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Dawn breaks over Bison Creek, a sleepy little Wyoming town, to reveal a scene of mayhem. Two bodies lying inside the police station. Both brutally killed. One of them a cop. A man covered in blood sprawled on the steps outside. Conscious but disoriented. Beside him, a gun and a stained Ka-Bar knife.It’s an open-and-shut case. Every shred of evidence points to Ex-Marine Staff Sergeant Logan Davis, pushed over the edge by his acute PTSD. Logan calls the only man he knows will move heaven and earth to get to the truth: Axel Blaze.A bloody trail leads Blaze to a cult leader with ties to a rogue pharmaceutical company, preying on troubled veterans, using them as pawns in his nefarious game. These power players will do anything to bury the truth.But they underestimate one thing—a relentless adversary who will go to any lengths to expose them.Page-turning thrillers in the lone ranger tradition of Jack Reacher, Mitch Rapp and The Gray Man novels. The fast-paced, brutal action in the Blaze series is attracting thriller readers worldwide._________________Praise for the series:“Blaze combines the force of Reacher, the unapologetic badassery of Dirty Harry, the savagery of Frank Castle, and the calculated precision of Bourne.”"Blaze is a no-nonsense guy. Shoot second...after head butting the guy first. My kind of hero!"“Blaze is a badass in the real sense of the word. He doesn’t stop until every bad guy is broken or dead.”_________________Readers are saying:★★★★★ “…non-stop action…”★★★★★ “…fast and violent…”★★★★★ “Blaze is the new badass in town!!”★★★★★ “Must read! This series rocks!!”