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Russians in San Francisco, Russians in Tokyo, Russians in Shanghai, Russians in Donbas. Russians in London, Russians in Moscow, Russians in Los Angeles. Russians, Russians, Russians, Russians.Bing Bong Hoolihan, 44. She’s a hard as nails assassin and hacker, the kind of asset they only send in when things are getting sticky. Guess what?Summer 2015. Cambridge Analytica, Brexit and Trump haven’t happened yet, but they’re in the works. Bing stumbles upon activist Sergei Ivanov during an undercover job in a Moscow clip joint. Just a bit of giving the Kremlin a touch of its own medicine in the form of creating a scandal about Yazidi oligarch and Putin favourite Ratko Karas, but Bing smells a rat the moment she sets foot in there.It all goes wrong when mercenary operative Colonel Franco, one of the few people on the planet who knows Bing’s real identity, shows up and forces her to assassinate Karas on pain of outing her to the Russian Securitate, the FSB. After helping Sergei get away, Bing barely escapes the country herself but then devices stop working, systems crash and the internet drops out all over the world in thirty seconds of blackout. Most barely notice, but those in corridors of power do.What in hell was it? A solar flare?No, worse. It was Sergei and he’s got control over everything; mission critical systems, banking, even the tech giants. That was a warning. His worms are in every system after one huge smoke and mirrors heist. Bing is hauled before top brass and blamed for letting him go in Moscow. She is charged with finding him and a hunt begins that circumnavigates the globe as the young Russian holds the planet to ransom.Bing will find Sergei, but not before they both change the world forever.