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An alien creature struggles to survive on a primitive world and find a mate. The future of humanity hinges on the outcome. A thrilling blend of science fiction and adventure!The fluid drains from the incubation. Darmon, a new Sindorian, emerges to join the others. He is almost fully-grown, but something is wrong. He is filled with strange, primitive urges and emotions that no longer exist on Sindor, the most advanced planet in the universe. In shock, the Sindorians refuse to connect their minds with his.For six days, he explores his world, looking for a way to belong. He only succeeds in alienating the inhabitants of the planet with unspeakable crimes. Finally, Darmon stands alone, surrounded by the Sindorians, awaiting judgement. Their decision will force him to fight for survival on a savage world and search for a companion to share in the struggle.If you like Jean Auel (Clan of the Cave Bear), Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan), William Golding (Lord of the Flies), Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe), Arthur C. Clarke (2001: A Space Odyssey), and Survivor (TV show), this series is for you. Could you survive on an alien world with nothing but your wits?