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Stormy Morgan is flying high. She’s engaged. She’s used to her new routine. She’s even learning about being a witch. All of that changes when a local podcaster’s house goes up in flames and a body is found inside.Carl Winslow was not a nice man. He spent his time stalking local family vloggers so he could cast aspersions on their life choices. One family in particular draws his ire, and he fights with them the night of the fire. Are they to blame for the podcaster’s death, though?Stormy and her fiancé Hunter Ryan are on the case, and the further they dig into Carl Winslow’s life, the more they realize that nothing in Shadow Hills is as it seems.Stormy was already working against forces she didn’t see coming. There’s a conspiracy of people who were apparently waiting for her to manifest her powers working against her, though. They have plans for her. They also had plans for Carl.As evidence begins mounting, it points to one particular person. Only Stormy is convinced it has to be someone else. She’s determined to get to the source of the death and destruction wreaking havoc on her once quiet small town.She has to survive to find her answers, though, and that’s not a given.It’s a race against the clock. Either Stormy finds what she’s looking for and stops Shadow Hills’ most recent threat, or everybody suffers in the wake of yet another bout of magical mayhem.Who will survive? You’re about to find out.