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There’s never a wrong time to fall in love...2023 - Noah Diddeys is a practical kind of guy, dealing with the will of his late, much-loved grandmother. He has inherited her home and all her belongings, including some old cherished bits and pieces in her attic. Alone there, with a beer and his memories, he decides it’s time to start reviewing his Nana’s treasures. One of them, a small notebook, catches his attention...1813 - Lady Abigail Chatham has been quite brutally relegated to the Dower House by her late husband’s selfish uncle, and is now living in a great deal more modest style than is her due. She’s doing her best to settle into the less than luxurious house, and is almost reconciled to her fate. She reads a lot, and spends quite a bit of time working on a daring project – a novel. She’s filling up those notebook pages with her story...but one thing is missing. A hero.Is it the hand of Fate? A meteorological anomaly? Or just some odd hiccup in the intestines of the space-time continuum? Who knows what it is, but it dumps Noah practically into Abigail’s lap. And that’s when the fun begins...

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