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Flame of Deception: The Wielders... - Matt Trevizo

Flame of Deception: The Wielders of Power

Matt Trevizo
Independently published (October 10, 2023) , English
26 ratings

Long ago, when myth and legends were known to be true, the power of the flame resided in all people throughout the land. Now the power is all but forgotten until it awakens once more on a night filled with blood.Eight years after witnessing the slaughter of his family and the blue flame that emerged from his hand, Ron picked up the pieces of his shattered life and built a new one in Greyland. Over the years, Ron trained in the Arena with his closest friend Grant while waiting for the perfect time to tell Nora how he feels about her. However, the past is not so easily left behind when a stranger arrives to deliver a message. 'If you seek answers, return to where it all began.'With only the message to guide him, Ron ventures into the world with Nora and Grant to uncover the truth about his past and put an end to the nightmares that plague his mind. What Ron discovers not only forces him to confront his past but sets in motion a series of events that will challenge him, Nora, and Grant at every turn. They will suffer the consequences of every choice they make and learn that the shadows from Ron's past have returned to bring the world and its people to their knees.