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Betrayed... Trapped... Left for dead.All Ole wanted to do was become an adventurer like his brother. He wanted to romance his childhood sweetheart and bring her with on his adventures. Together they would rise in the world and take the fight to the Ashen that threaten humanity. Monsters that create portals and break into his world to feast on humans.It all comes crashing down after his birthday. He'd finally aged out. He unlocked his attributes. But when his unique skill is revealed, darkness descends.Betrayed by the man that helped raise him, Ole is left for dead in the Ashen's Realm. With only a broken knife and a few scraps of food he has to survive. He'll fight, bleed, and survive while unlocking skills that shouldn't be possible. He'll discover that the Ashen Realm is far more than what humanity believes it to be.Deepening mysteries and a hidden world unfold around Ole. Can he learn from humanities greatest mistakes? He doesn't know, but he can focus on what matters most. Returning to his world and killing the man that betrayed him.

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