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The grid had collapsed.But was it temporary, like before?Or, had America’s foes finally succeeded?Would the lives of the Friday Night Club be shattered as a result?International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America’s favorite storytellers, delivers up-all-night thrillers to nearly two million readers in 245 countries and territories worldwide.“Akart is one of those very rare authors who makes things so visceral, so real, that you experience what he writes.”America’s government was on the verge of collapse and her geopolitical foes smelled blood. While the country was destroyed from within, China deals a final blow. It was time to bring the United States to its knees.Thrust into a world without power, complete lawlessness took over. The Friday Night Club had been divided as they search for one of their own on the streets of Los Angeles. Would the search for one result in the demise of them all?“You are there. Feeling what they feel. Anger, joy, love, mourning. You feel it all. Not everyone can write a book like this. It takes a special writer to make you feel a book.”An uneasy alliance within the community had finally been endorsed by all. But would it be adhered to? Was it nothing more than a ruse to convince those who were prepared to feed and protect those who were not? Four families remained skeptical and tried to maintain their distance from the neighborhood politics. Until a seminal event threatened to expose their anonymity."Akart's fiction becomes reality far too often. Behind the Gates is a cautionary tale of what's to come in our nation."With seventy novels published worldwide, Bobby Akart delivers intense, up-all-night thrillers that have you whispering just one more chapter.