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AN AMAZON TOP 5 BESTSELLERA Small Town, Enemies to Lovers, Boy Obsessed, Found Family, Standalone Romance from USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Author, Laura Pavlov. Ruby Rose declared me the enemy before I had a chance to defend myself.I may be an attorney, but this girl had appointed herself judge and jury. And I’d never minded a good verbal sparring.There was a comfort in going to battle against the evil queen.Maybe it was just the recognition of one damaged soul to another.But the more we fought—the more I craved her.Until our arguing turned into a bit of a wager.One I was determined to win.One time. Sixty seconds. A secret only we would share.I’d work my magic and she’d declare me the winner.I’d gloat, she’d sulk—that was my plan.She was determined to prove me wrong.But from the minute we crossed the line, there was no turning back.She was so far under my skin I couldn’t think straight.Feeling things that I’d never felt before was one thing.But knowing the clock was ticking was another.Ruby Rose may have given me more than sixty seconds, but she wasn’t offering forever.And now my world doesn’t work without her in it.But how do I convince her to stay, when she already has one foot out the door?This is book 2 in the Magnolia Falls Series. Each one can be read as a complete standalone. A HEA is guaranteed!Magnolia Falls Series:Loving RomeoWild RiverForbidden KingBeating HeartFinding Hayes

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