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Time and Time AgainTime-traveling tourists and multiverse-hopping aliens. Ancient arts with a futuristic twist. Romantic risks lovers get to try more than once – if they’re not afraid to pay the price. Temporal technologies that send travelers spinning into the realm of their wildest dreams, or the landscape of their worst nightmare.These and other stories await you in The Accidental Time Travelers Collective, Volume 2. Like its companion volume, this anthology features twelve works by an international group of speculative fiction authors who share a common love of time travel. Stories include new tales by favorite authors from the first volume, as well as brand-new voices. As a collaborative publishing venture, we pride ourselves on including several authors’ first published story in an anthology – in some cases, their first published story ever.The possibilities of time-travel fiction are endless, so whether you enjoy rousing adventures into the past, love stories that span the ages, or sci-fi tales that take you into the deepest reaches of space and time, strap yourself in for The Accidental Time Travelers Collective, Volume 2!

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