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Eight months after the showdown with the domestic terrorist group that nearly cost him his life, Danny Coogan, a Montana Fish and Game Officer, faces a new threat to his community—and his career. It starts with a dead steer. Which happens to be near the body of a dead rancher. Both of which are on the Dead Horse Indian Reservation.Soon, Danny, the Tribal Police, the local Sheriff’s Department, and a US Marshal are pressed into action. Danny’s connections to the Rez draw him into the murder case and plant him firmly in the crosshairs of the killers. Another victim is discovered, tortured, and murdered—but why? What secret painted a target on these locals?Along with fellow Afghanistan veteran Matt Bringloe from the Tribal Police, Danny is determined to uncover the truth. Then, a connection is made to a decades-old cold case, revealing hidden motives and secret agendas. Now, Danny must pull together the clues before someone else dies.Cattle rustling, a magic mushroom drug operation, and unsolved murders result in a shoot-out at a remote ranch, a race against time to a ghost town, and a final stand in the most unlikely location.With the flavor of a down-home yarn and the intensity of a high adventure, FRONTIER OUTLAWS offers Craig Johnson and CJ Box fans a thrilling ride that delivers a bronco-busting punch.After the best-selling success of his first novel, FRONTIER JUSTICE, Michael Cardwell pulls his fans into another action/adventure. If you like mysteries and crime stories with resilient heroes, slam-bang action, and nail-biting suspense spiked with a splash of wilderness humor, you’ll love this second book in the Coogan Mystery series.