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Scuffer Lake - John Sutter Wood

Scuffer Lake

John Sutter Wood
Briefly Conscious Publishing LLC , English
10 ratings

When Gunnar and Tess took ownership of the farm, they had no idea what they were getting into. They were excited to return to their roots, back in the heartland, flyover country. The east coast had been… interesting and they both had received a quality education and sound start to their careers but this felt more like home. And they again had a hayloft. Right in their backyard.Homeless children were at risk and Gunnar and Tess were determined to do something about it. They could not in good conscience turn a blind eye, though many before them had. Hawk, the afternoon janitor at Trigger Technologies, was the catalyst. It wasn’t anything intentional or nefarious on his part, it just happened.That was how it started. They could not have anticipated how it would develop, how it would end. And they would both do it all over again.Author's Note: In navigating a full life, I have known many like Gunnar and Tess, the hardy souls for whom our Republic was founded. They are the source of the term “Heartland.” They don’t always win but thank goodness they never stop trying.John Sutter Wood

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