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Lost deep in a remote forest, Captain Teague Chavez finds something the government didn’t want anyone to see.Teague goes landlubber on this assignment and gets mixed up in a brew of international spies and some home-grown traitors. Sent on a mysterious mission so highly compartmentalized that even his boss, TC, won’t share the details, the captain eventually succeeds and finds the assassin he was sent to track down. Except it’s the wildlife that gives him a real scare. He’s no biologist, but something is very wrong with these creatures. Did he just witness an extraterrestrial phenomenon, or some new experimental biological weapon? What’s the poorly kept government secret everyone is looking for?The Karma Effect is a first contact sci-fi adventure with a wickedly fun ending. If you love wildlife, a plot that unfolds in a desolate northern forest, with a bit of an outer space adventure, then join the captain as he tracks down the answer no one wants to hear.Each book in this series is great as a stand-alone adventure.Give it a try: Select the Kindle version and click on READ SAMPLE to preview the first 20 pages.