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I, Starship: A Space Opera - Scott Bartlett

I, Starship: A Space Opera

Scott Bartlett
Mirth Publishing (June 11, 2024) , English
2,261 ratings

As a Marine, Henry Morgan would have said it was more likely he’d die from enemy fire than from being struck by a flying lawnmower while at a baseball game.But it was the lawnmower that ended up taking him out.A century later, Henry wakes up as a reconstituted intelligence, and is promptly drafted to be the governing AI for America’s first military starship. After decades of model-trained AIs wreaking havoc across the globe, humanity is ready to try something a little more…human.Henry is perfect. For one thing, as a reconstituted intelligence, he has no rights and can be forced to do the bidding of the powers that be. For another, he’s the only Heritage Mind™ with any military experience that survived the Great Power Surge of 2072.So, Henry’s it.Blastoff, good Henry! Our hopes and dreams go with you. Oh, and while you’re at it, could you take a look at the aliens setting up shop in our asteroid belt? They seem to be…multiplying.Download I, Starship now and grab the edge of your seat for this bold new space opera.

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