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Are you a game-loving couple who enjoys camping? A fun-seeking group who loves adventures? And you're looking for new activities and games to play outdoors?!Camping Games for Adults has you covered!Containing over 100+ ideas for challenging, fun, competitive games outdoors. All the games are explicitly geared toward adults and require little or no equipment.This handy guide includes:Camping games for couples and groupsCampfire gamesRiddles, ice-breakers and conversation startersCosy couple campfire ideasCamping activities for adultsCamping games outdoor and tent gamesOutdoor challengesAdd some serious competition to your next adventure. Guaranteed to have you in fits of laughter! And totally engrossed with challenges that test you both mentally and physically. Putting adult spins on summer camp classics and drinking games.Build stronger relationships with your partner, friends and family. And fun memories that will last you a lifetime.If you're looking for camping gift ideas for the camper in your life, then look no further. This book is the perfect present for the men and women in your life who love the outdoors!

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