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To secure her financial future, Zaheen needs to open an ancient, plastic-age door. She thinks it’s a simple enough task. But is she underestimating the resilience of the security in-charge and her rather reticent wife?Zaheen, a university dropout, wishes to finally become financially secure by joining her homeland’s nearly monopolistic employer: The Knowledge Corporation. Unfortunately, the corporation does not usually hire dropouts. Zaheen’s desperation makes her a potent tool in the hands of manipulators looking to achieve their own ends. In her quest to achieve financial security, Zaheen meets a mentor who sets her up on a mission to find skeletons in the government’s closet. The task seems simple enough: Zaheen only needs to get past a non-smart door from ancient times. But the security in-charge and her wife are more intelligent and resilient than she expects. Someone has tried to open the door before and met an unfortunate and untimely end. Is Zaheen on course for a similar, burning destiny?