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Wild Wastes 6 - Randi Darren

Wild Wastes 6

Randi Darren
unknown , English
610 ratings

Before world war two could reach its conclusion, the world suffered what could only be defined as a cataclysm.Legend has it that an experiment failed. Catastrophically so. And when it failed, the center of the United States, from the Sierra Nevada to the Mississippi river became "The Waste", where everything changed.Except it didn't only happen in North America. In fact, it happened all around the world.Few places were spared, though only a handful experienced it as deeply as the United States did.In The Wastes of the world, every fantasy creature, fairy tale demon, or mythological monster exists. From Orcs, to Neriads, Ogres, Trolls, Wraiths, Elves, Harpies, and even Beastmen. They all exist, and all despise humankind.For North America, in the shattered bones of the country, the west and east coasts new governments have rose, then fell.Vince has become the master of a major portion of the Wastes of North America. Responsible for everything and everyone inside his boundaries. There is little that doesn’t fall under his purview.Except everything is changing even as fast as he tries to catch up.The end war with deities near and far has become the focus of his life.Everything will change or end here and now.For him, Yosemite, Legion, and all of his world.