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In a universe where talents shape destinies, William possesses the incredible ability to traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye, while Belinda wields her mind to manipulate objects of immense weight. Genetically altered and forged in the government's rearing-nursery, they escaped the clutches of their oppressors, only to face a new threat: discovery.Years later, their paths converge, sparking a dangerous alliance. As their late-blooming talents emerge, they become hunted by the very government they fled. Freedom hangs in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion.Bound by their shared past and uncertain future, William and Belinda must navigate a treacherous landscape of betrayal and intrigue. Can they trust each other enough to unlock the power of their love, or will they succumb to the relentless pursuit of the Defense Department?In this gripping tale of survival and sacrifice, The Traveller explores a future where love defies all odds. But as they face the ultimate test of loyalty, William and Belinda must confront the one talent they cannot control - their hearts.Perfect for fans of the Hunger Games, Maze Runner, The Selection and the Divergent series. If you like Suzanne Collins, James Dashner, Kiera Cass and Veronica Roth, then you'll love Deryn Pittar's sci-fi thrill-ride.

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