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Like FatherKnown for his fearlessness and unwavering love for his woman, Outlaw grapples with his past mistakes and strives to protect his family. He finds himself in a precarious position when the club's dark origins are unearthed, threatening their hard-earned peace.Like SonOutlaw's son, CJ, navigates his own dangerous path within the world of violence and betrayal. His first taste of club life has whetted his appetite for more. With Harley Banks vying for CJ's affections and secrets unraveling, the Death Dwellers face challenges that could shake their foundations. Harley wants him for herself, but CJ’s attention is still on Molly Harris, a girl in deep trouble and possibly dead.Amidst the chaos, Outlaw is determined to show his beloved Megan the depth of his devotion, even as the club is on a collision course to doom. In a story of love, loyalty, and the shadows of the past, "Ruthless" explores the complexities of family, power, and redemption in the unforgiving world of motorcycle clubs.

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