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Void Drifter - J.N. Chaney, Jason Anspach

Void Drifter

J.N. Chaney, Jason Anspach
Variant Publications , English
1 rating

The Amazon Rainforest holds a world-changing secret. A ship lost to time from another world.College student Will Kaufman unearthed the biggest archaeological discovery in human history… he just needs to find a way back to Earth to tell people about it.Four thousand years ago, a Federation bounty hunter Void ship crashed on a remote and primitive planet. There it remained until Will found it and accidentally reactivates it, launching him light years away.With the crew—and its prisoners—awakened from cryo-sleep, Will has no choice but to go along with Captain Fera and her pilot-turned-holographic AI. Seen as a naïve primitive, Will must navigate complex alien cultures, explore the far reaches of the galaxy, and battle a tyrannical empire seeking to finish off a haggard and weary rebel faction just to be granted a ticket back to Earth.But as Will shows an uncanny ability to navigate the mysterious realm of wormhole travel known as the Void, he begins to thrive in a galaxy not meant for humans.Home is only a half-million light years away, but when life on a spaceship is this much fun… does Will really want to go back?

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