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Dive into the future, where dreams are woven into the fabric of Cosmo Crown . . .—a gleaming city tucked safely under a protective dome. Yet, for Zak Atkinson, the dream morphs into a nightmare when his beloved is abducted and exploited for her unique attributes. Thrust into a society collapsing under the weight of its clandestine secrets, he begins his descent.In a world scarred by centuries-spanning genetic manipulation and shadowy subhuman oppressors, Zak grapples with a technologically-advanced society. He tirelessly untangles the threads of an intricate web of deceit that permeates his once-beloved utopia.Zak’s resistance and rebellion against a bioengineered clone army—a disturbing echo of his lost love—expose him to the horrifying reality of his brave new world.Control in Cosmo Crown, exerted by a government hidden in plain sight, is absolute. Yet Zak’s determination to confront the truth and reclaim his destiny remains resolute.Navigating a future built on illusions, Zak stands at the edge of humanity’s potential downfall. Can he salvage his shattered dreams and guide humanity away from its own impending destruction?--P.S. You can read sample chapters for FREE here:

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