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The Viking Saxon Saga and the Stolen Mysticals: A Historical Fiction Fantasy is a Magical Tale of Mystery and MayhemThe sound of splintering wood jolts twelve-year-old Torin and Terra awake. Hearing thundering footsteps below, they rush to the top of the stairs as the front door crashes to the floor. A mysterious woman shrouded in black sweeps through the opening. Intruders dash in behind her. They break everything in sight, searching for a shield, a book, and a key—her mysticals.The woman claims their father, Ravn, stole her precious property. When he denies taking anything of hers, he’s beaten, gagged, and shackled. Terra and Torin give away their position when they cry out. The intruders charge up the stairs to seize them, but the twins escape through hidden stairs leading outside. From the top of a knoll, they watch in horror as henchmen heave their father onto the back of a horse and whisk him away.Their father left clues woven into a story he used to tell them. Once they decipher the clues,Terra and Torin find the stolen mysticals. The shield’s guardians, a hawk, a snake, a wolf, and a bear, manifest into form to protect them. The book, with its dragon’s eye cover, contains powerful incantations, and the key unlocks a mystery.As Terra and Torin race to their father’s rescue, they uncover a web of concealed identities, lies, and deception—plunging them into a treacherous world of mystery, magic, and mayhem. The Woman in Black spies through her raven’s eyes, dispatching menacing men and mythical beasts, an ogre, a dragon, a manticore, and more, to halt the twins’ advance and reclaim her stolen property.Will Terra and Torin reach their father in time to rescue him from the woman’s clutches and the fate that awaits him? Join them on their exciting and exhilarating quest.“I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Viking Saxon Saga and the Stolen Mysticals. I found the characters interesting and the plot intriguing. Helena St. George’s writing style is engaging and perfectly paced to keep readers entertained. The reading level is appropriate for middle-grade, junior-high students, and beyond. Once immersed in a world of fantasy and adventure, I didn’t want to stop reading. Each chapter has its conflict, rising action, and resolution. The chapters are well-paced, perfect for reading a chapter a day. Teachers, parents, and students will appreciate the reading guides and discussion questions, free when requested through the author’s website. Having read The Viking Saxon Saga and the Stolen Mysticals, I’m excited to see where the author takes the story and how the characters evolve if there should be a sequel.”Outstanding! I give it 5 stars!Deon Mangan Advanced Reader Copy Reviewer and Middle-Grade Teacher

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