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Half sisters take on social missions that put them at deadly odds.Adele Christiana Dawson continues her legacy in this best-selling trilogy as her coal mine scrambles to meet coal demands to heat America, and also meet England's high-dollar request for US resources after Hitler's German forces army occupy the Sudetenland. Adele and her coal mine board agree to step up production. When Austrian refugees come to live with her at the behest of her disarming mine supervisor, Jackson Conor, Adele finds she and her home are suddenly under attack by amateur Nazis hiding in the US. Adele needs formidable help, but Benita is too busy to aid. Her half-sister, Benita, an eighteen-year-old scrappy woodswoman, proves her allegiance to destitute families by greedy corporations who leverage President Roosevelt's New Deal to oust tenant Black and White farmers. Benita becomes a veritable force in The Southern Tenant Farmer's Union Roadside Demonstration of 1939, the first protest to bring sharecroppers of color for a common purpose. After protesting in the frigid cold for 20 days, Benita realizes she needs the polish only her sister, Adele can offer.While each is a first-born but from different fathers; each has lived in squalor, along with seven surviving siblings as Depression sharecroppers. Benita wanted to turn her sisters against Adele, but the family of nine children now find they are Dawson-strong accessing the spirit of their deceased mother, when they combine forces. Historical fiction, based on true events in the1938-1939 pre-World War II era.