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A paranormal phenomenon...a mysterious curse... and an unsolved murder in a small town.

The Haunting of the Hadleigh Estate

To Cassie King the small town of Playa del sol used to be an ironically named summer vacations spot for her family. But when she gets terrible news that takes her back her uncle’s home there she finds that the town isn’t as innocent as her childhood memories would have her believe. Strange things start to happen in the old house and soon enough Cassie is forced to deal with some hard truths.

The Haunting of Quenby Mansion

Mystery and horror surround the seventeen-room vine-covered plantation house. What was thought to be the solution to all of Evelyn Carr’s problems is only the beginning of her nightmare. Creepy neighbors arrive unannounced, the town hates her for inexplicable reasons, and there’s something inside of the basement. As a determined private investigator, Evelyn is hell-bent on learning the truth before the house tears her and her husband apart, figuratively and literally.