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“This book was amazing. I honestly didn't want to put it down.” – Sharon ★★★★★ ”The Night Firm is such a fun concept. Vampire lawyers who represent other supes in criminal defense” – SeeAmberRead ★★★★★ ”The Night brothers...... hot hot hot.....” – Melodie Luckett ★★★★★ For fans of A Shade of Vampire, Vampire Girl, Don’t Rush Me, The Lost and the Chosen, and All the Pretty Monsters. From USA Today bestselling author Karpov Kinrade, experience a fantasy romance that will suck you in and leave you wanting more! I’ve been offered a job at the Night Firm. To work for four of the hottest men I’ve ever met. Correction. Four of the hottest vampires I’ve ever met. They don’t tell me what I’ll be doing. They don’t tell me where I’ll be working. Simply that I am their only candidate. If I take the job, I’ll gain financial freedom, a new home, and answers to questions better left unasked. But at what cost? Because my new job is more than anything I could have ever imagined. It will take me to the home of Count Dracula and the den of a kitsune. To the paradise of Lilith and a world trapped in time. It will bind me to the most dangerous men alive. It will break me and make me whole. My heart. My life. My soul. I may lose them all to the Night brothers. But in the end, it will be my choice. My name is Eve Oliver. Welcome to the Night Firm. A vampire romance with bite! For fans of Stephenie Meyer, Cassandra Clare, Laurell K. Hamilton, Patrica Briggs, Bella Forrest, J.R. Ward and Sherrilyn Kenyon!

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