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Every summer, the nomadic Freefolk tribes come together to forge alliances by marrying off their sons and daughters. Camp Bessi is no exception.For Katell, this gathering marks the threshold of a fateful union that will reshape her destiny. Meanwhile, her younger sister, Alena, dreams of venturing to the mystical Old Lands, where gods, heroes, and magic await.Five years later, Nik, a Gifted sellsword, explores the Rasennan city of Bruna, unaware of the danger his magic attracts. At the same time, Leukos, a defiant young warrior challenging the oppressive Rasennan Empire, finds himself pursued by a relentless assassin until an unexpected ally, a pesky Amazon, offers him aid…Though each believes they chose their own paths, the gods are watching. Like an unyielding tide, Fate ebbs and flows, steering them towards uncharted shores, where their destinies will intertwine in ways they never imagined.STOLEN FATES offers a glimpse into the lives of Katell, Alena, Nik, and Leukos before the events of WHEN GODS FALL. Told from four distinct perspectives, this prequel novella serves as a captivating entry point into S.E. Bouvier’s epic romantic fantasy series, THE GIFTS OF THE GODS.Embark on this enchanting journey from the very beginning – one-click your copy today!

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